Saturday, January 8, 2011

APOD 2.9

A Green Flash from the Sun (January 4, 2011)

This picture is of the sunset observed from the Teide Observatory at Tenerife, Cannary Islands, Spain. It shows a green flash, which is in fact not a myth. A green flash can be seen during a sunset. Just as the sun disappears completely, there is a flash of light that appears green. There are even blue ones. The cause of this is caused is from the layers of the Earth's atmosphere acting like a prism refracting and scattering the light. This is the same reason for why there are red sunsets. Green flashes are so rare because in uniform air, the dispersion is so small that the separation of red and green are not visible. It takes more unusual layering of the atmosphere to enhance the separation so the green can be visible. This is really interesting because I have heard about green flashes and I have never confirmed if it was real or not. It was really great to see the videos of the green flashes, which are so rare. I've only seen the green flashes in movies, but the videos I saw on the link are very similar and it makes me hope that I'll be able to see one in real life.

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