Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Observation (2/15/11)

Tonight, I went out for observations around 9:10 pm. The skies were very clear, there were no clouds and I was on my driveway in Osprey. The moon was very bright. It was a waxing gibbous and it was almost full. It was right above a little to the east. When I was standing facing the moon, this time I was sure that the two stars to the left of the moon were Castor and Pollux because I checked the star charts. There were not as many stars visible however because the moon was so bright. Sirius could also be seen and I could make out the shape of the dog with his back, tail, and two legs. Nearby, as always, was Orion clearly visible with his belt and dagger and Betelgeuse with the reddish shine above in the south. Above in the southwest was a bright star, and from the previous constellations we learned this quarter, I believe that star was Aldebaran from the constellation Taurus although I was not able to see the shape of the bull.

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