Thursday, March 24, 2011

APOD 3.9

Boston Moonrise
24 March 2011

This apod was about the full moon last week. What was special about that full moon was during its full moon phase, the moon was also at its perigee. That is the closest point in the moon's orbit to Earth. Because it was at its perigee the moon looked 14% larger and 30% brighter versus a full moon near apogee which is when the moon is farthest from Earth in its orbit. This picture was taken over Boston and you can see the atmospheric effects it has because the moon has a red and orange tint. This is similar to how it looked during the full moon last week which i was able to see. The moon was incredibly bigger and brighter. It had a little tint of yellow and orange but it wasn't as dramatic as this picture. The next time that we can see the moon this large and bright during its full phase when its at its perigee is next year on May 6. This was very cool to see and i hope to see it next year again.

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