Friday, April 29, 2011

APOD 4.5

The Antennae (2011 April 29)

This is a picture of two galaxies colliding in the constellation Corvus. The two galaxies are called NGC 4038 and NGC 4039. However, because galaxies are made up of mostly empty space filled with dust and molecular gases, their stars are not actually colliding. Only the gas and dust collide which helps to start star formation wear they collide. This collision is about 500 thousand light-years long. And the two streaks that look like antennaes are actually matter flung from the collision because of the gravitational tidal forces. The two areas of orange are actually the centers of the two colliding galaxy. I chose this apod because one of our constellations this week was corvus, the crow. With the links provided, I was able to learn of the myth of the crow and how the crow got it's black coat of feathers. It was interesting to read about the many different theories.

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