Friday, May 20, 2011

APOD 4.8

The Last Launch of Space Shuttle Endeavour (2011 May 18)

This picture was taken of the Endeavour after it took off. There were six astronauts aboard and was on its way to the International Space Station. Part of it's mission is to deliver to the ISS special equipment which includes a detector called the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer 2. This is supposed to be able to detect a significant abundace of specific types of dark matter, charged, antimatter, and maybe strange variations of familiar matter called strangelets. This is the second to last launch. The last launch is currently scheduled for mid-July when Atlantis will also be launched to go to the space station. This was very interesting to see the picture and the follow-up video in the links. I was actually able to see the trail of smoke that the shuttle left behind during the launch after it disappeared in a cloud. This was the first time I actually observed something like this.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Quarter 4 Astronomers: Gene and Carolyn Shoemaker

            Eugene Merle Shoemaker, also known as Gene, was born on April 28, 1928 in Los Angeles, California. He was very eager to learn and while their family lived in Buffalo, he went to the evening classes at the Buffalo Museum of Science for high school students even though he was still in elementary school. When he was seven, his mother gave him a set of natural-stone marbles. Along with the family’s summer trips in the West, this instigated his interest with rocks and stones and their inner structure. In 1944 when he was only sixteen, he attended the California Institute of Technology where he excelled and got his bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in geology in a short period of 3 years.
In the summer of 1948, she started working for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) where he learned how to differentiate between craters caused by underground forces and crater caused by an impact from above. In 1906, Daniel Moreau Barringer proposed that the Meteor Crater outside Flagstaff, Arizona was caused by a meteorite and not a volcano but had no way to prove it. So, Shoemaker examined the crater and confirmed Barringer’s belief. In 1960, with his colleagues, he isolated a mineral they found at Meteor Crater which he named “coesite.” This was the equivalent of a DNA fingerprint for extraterrestrial impact. Eventually he would find more coesite at other craters and basins. This new science was called astrogeology.
In 1973, he established the Palomar Planet-Crossing Asteroid Survey with Caltech geologist, Eleanor Helin. With the observations they gathered, he became one of the earliest people to come up with the theory that a catastrophic asteroid or comet impact could have been the cause of the annihilation of most of life on Earth 65 million years ago, which included the dinosaurs.
During the 1960’s, he was the leader of the teams investigating the structure and history of the moon and helped developed geologic mapping methods from telescope images. He was also the investigator in charge of the geological fieldwork that occurred during the first Apollo missions. He even helped in suggesting where those missions should land.
In 1950, Gene Shoemaker married Carolyn Spellman. Her brother was his roommate at Caltech. After her marriage, she decided to stay at home and raise their three children between 1952 and 1983, so she quit her job as a teacher. When Eleanor Helin left in 1982 to start her own asteroid search, Carolyn took her place after learning how to use the 18-inch Schmidt telescope. She would help her husband in his work. Helping each other, they discovered 32 comets and several hundred asteroids.
            In 1993 with David Levy, an amateur astronomer with a degree in English literature from Nova Scotia, they discovered a new object which is now known as the Periodic Comet Shomaker-Levy 9. With further study, it was suggested that this was just another comet that was caught in orbit around Jupiter due to the planet’s gravity. At one point in its path, the gravitational forces had pulled it into 21 fragments that looked like a string of pearls which were now falling into Jupiter.
            On July 18, 1997, when the Shoemakers were on a visit to Australia they were in a car crash. Carolyn survived but Gene, at age 69, died from his injuries. Carolyn is still alive and holds the record for most comets discovered.

Works Cited
  • Chapman, Mary G. "USGS Astrogeology: Carolyn Shoemaker." USGS Astrogeology Science Center. United States Geological Survey. Web. 10 May 2011. <>.
  • "Gene Shoemaker." Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2nd ed. Vol. 20. Detroit: Gale, 2004. 335-338. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 10 May 2011.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


This week I did two hours of Zooniverse Planet Hunters in class. Currently, I have classified 343 stars.

APOD 4.7

Wonder and Mystery above the Very Large Telescopes (2011 May 9)

This is a picture of the sky above the Very Large Telescopes (VLT). This facility is for European ground-based astronomy. They have the world's most advanced optical instrument, with the the four Unit Telescopes to form the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer. This allows astronomers to see details up to 25 times finer than with the individual telescopes. This panoramic image in Chile, allows us to see many things. One of these diagonal bands of light to the far left is called zodiacal light. It comes from the sunlight reflected off of dust orbiting in the inner solar system. If you scroll your mouse over the image the different objects in the sky are identified and labeled. This was also taken during the total lunar eclipse last December so the moon actually appears orange. I am actually familiar with the constellations Canis Major and Orion, which appear in this photo. But with all the other stars in the sky it makes it harder to find them.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

APOD 4.6

Jupiter's Great Red Spot from Voyager 1 (2011 May 2)


This is a digital enhancement of Jupiter's Great Red Spot. This is a completed digital enhancement of a image of Jupiter taken in 1979 by the Voyager 1 spacecraft. The Great Red Spot is a anticyclonic storm and has l jat least 181 years and maybe even longer 346 years but it is unknown why it changes shape, size, and color. Also the Voyager 1 is currently the farthest human made object in the universe at about 117 AU from our planet. It is even expected to leave the heliosphere which is the region dominated by the solar wind and magnetic field. One of the interesting things about this APOD was being able to see the Great Red Spot with a little more depth into it because all the times I have seen the spot was when it's just a circle on the side of Jupiter and how scientists  efficiently use information they learned decades ago to help them in their research today.


This week I continued planet hunters on zooniverse. I did one hour in class and my total number of stars classified is 280 stars.

Friday, April 29, 2011


This week I did two hours of zooniverse in class. My total count of stars I have classified is 239.

APOD 4.5

The Antennae (2011 April 29)

This is a picture of two galaxies colliding in the constellation Corvus. The two galaxies are called NGC 4038 and NGC 4039. However, because galaxies are made up of mostly empty space filled with dust and molecular gases, their stars are not actually colliding. Only the gas and dust collide which helps to start star formation wear they collide. This collision is about 500 thousand light-years long. And the two streaks that look like antennaes are actually matter flung from the collision because of the gravitational tidal forces. The two areas of orange are actually the centers of the two colliding galaxy. I chose this apod because one of our constellations this week was corvus, the crow. With the links provided, I was able to learn of the myth of the crow and how the crow got it's black coat of feathers. It was interesting to read about the many different theories.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Last week I did 2 hours of zooniverse on planet hunters in class. So far I have classified 174 stars and I even added one of the stars to my favorites because it had so many transits.

Monday, April 25, 2011

APOD 4.4

Peculiar Galaxies of Arp 273 (2011 April 21)

This picture is of the two galaxies of Arp 273. They are over 300 million light-years from the Milky Way Galaxy. There are about 5 bright spiky stars that are in the foreground of this picture. These stars are actually inside of the Milky Way Galaxy. So even with the distance between those stars and Arp 273, you can get a sense of how large these galaxies are. Their distorted appearance is due to gravitational tides as the two galaxies experience close encounters. This isn't strange at all though because interacting galaxies are actually very common. One example is with the Andromeda Galaxy and our own Milky Way. The Andromeda Galaxy is about 2 million light-years away and is getting closer to us. By observing Arp 273, astronomers may get a better sense of what could happen as the Andromeda Galaxy approaches us. In a video sequence from "Infinity Express: A 20-Minute Tour of the Universe," one can actually watch the results of these encounters that scientists have developed thanks to research and computer graphics. This was actually released in the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. in 2002 and was shown in the Einstein Planetarium. The result is supposed to be a merger into a single galaxy of stars. To be able to see this in the planetarium must have been amazing.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


This is the second week doing zooniverse. I did another two hours in class which makes a total of four. So far I have classified 112 stars. 

APOD 4.3

50 Years Ago: Yuri's Planet (2011 April 12)ass

On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alexseyevich Gagarin became the first human in space. Gagarin was a military pilot and he was chosen for the first group of cosmonauts in 1960. In the Volstok 1 spacecraft, he was carried to an altitude of 200 miles and carried him once around the planet. His orbital flight lasted 108 minutes. About a month later, Alan Shepard would be the first US astronaut in space. His flight made him a hero throughout the world and a legend. In Gagarin's flight, he described that "The sky was very dark; the Earth is bluish. Everything is seen very clearly." This picture is what he would have most likely saw. This picture was taken from the ISS in 2003. He was killed in 1968 when his MIG jet crashed during a training flight. He had a hero's funeral and his ashes were interred in the Kremlin Wall. 20 years later on April 12, NASA launched the first space shuttle. This was interesting to read because it gave me a sense of how important his flight was. Everyone knew his name and admired him. And this picture does fit the description he gave. I also noticed that there can be a blue haze seen around Earth where the sky is. I actually never noticed that before.

Friday, April 8, 2011


I chose to do planet hunters on zooniverse which involves looking at a graph of a star's luminosity and seeing where it plunges. If there is a sudden drop that means there was a transit and there is a possible planet. This week I did two hours of analyzing the graphs in class.

APOD 4.2

Verona Rupes: Tallest Known Cliff in the Solar System (4 April 2011)

This is a picture of Verona Rupes. It is the tallest known cliff in the solar system and it is located on Miranda, Uranus' moon. It is supposed to be 20 km deep which is about 10 times the depth of the Earth's Grand Canyon. Miranda was named after Miranda in Shakespeare's play The Tempest. Miranda actually looks similar to our moon. It is gray and it has all these craters and broken terrain. However, it's surface may be mostly water ice. Despite the depth of this canyon, I was surprised to read that someone could actually jump off of this cliff and survive. Because of it's low gravity, it would take 12 minutes for a person to reach the bottom at the speed of 200 km/hr which is about the speed of a race car, but with the proper airbag protection, a person could actually survive. This picture was taken by the passing Voyager 2 robotic spacecraft in 1986. They do not know what created this cliff but they suspect it's related to a large impact or tectonic surface motion. Reading this gives me an idea of how big this cliff is and how much a difference gravity makes to be able to jump off at 200 km/hr and survive.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

APOD 4.1

2011 March 28

This APOD is not on a image but actually a video of the auroras over Norway. These auroras in the video were recorded in the north in locations like the border between Norway and Russia. The video shows a time-lapse  movie of auroras in a nature setting. There are scenes of the mountains, trees, and lakes near Kirkenes, Norway. Auroras are formed from emissions of photons in the Earth's upper atmosphere from ionized nitrogen regaining an electron and oxygen and nitrogen atoms returning from an excited state to a ground state. They are ionized or excited by the collision of solar wind particles being accelerated along the Earth's magnetic field lines. When they emit a photon of light or collide with another atom or molecule their excitation energy is lost and the return to a ground state. Oxygen emissions produce green or brownish-red auroras depending on the amount of energy absorbed. Nitrogen emissions produce blue or red auroras. The sun is predicted to be more active the next few years so there should be more auroras occurring, possibly even in locations closer to the equator. I really like this apod because I have only seen images of auroras. Seeing an aurora in action makes it even greater and more beautiful. It was also really cool to see the stars in the background and sometimes a streak of light could be seen traveling across the sky.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Observation (3/29/11)

Time: 6:00 AM
Location: My driveway in Osprey
Weather Conditions: Clear
This morning, I saw the moon. It was a waning crescent and it was bright. It was in the southeast. In the south Antares was visible and so was the rest of Scorpius. Next to Scorpius was Sagittarius.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Observation (3/26/11)

Location: Service Road at Pine View
Time: 7:30 to 9:00 pm
Weather Conditions: Clear

Today was astronomy night. The skies were very clear and there were many stars visible. At first there were no stars and as the sun started to set the first magnitude stars and 2nd magnitude stars appeared and the rest followed. Sirius was the first star visible. Orion was above and his belt and dagger were visible. I could see Betelgeuse and Rigel and Canis Major next to Orion. I could make out the big dog's back, tail, and legs. Up above I could also see Castor and Pollux in the constellation Gemini and to the right of Orion was Taurus. I was able to draw out the bull's horn and in that constellation was the bright star Aldebaren. As the night went on the stars moved from east to west.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

APOD 3.9

Boston Moonrise
24 March 2011

This apod was about the full moon last week. What was special about that full moon was during its full moon phase, the moon was also at its perigee. That is the closest point in the moon's orbit to Earth. Because it was at its perigee the moon looked 14% larger and 30% brighter versus a full moon near apogee which is when the moon is farthest from Earth in its orbit. This picture was taken over Boston and you can see the atmospheric effects it has because the moon has a red and orange tint. This is similar to how it looked during the full moon last week which i was able to see. The moon was incredibly bigger and brighter. It had a little tint of yellow and orange but it wasn't as dramatic as this picture. The next time that we can see the moon this large and bright during its full phase when its at its perigee is next year on May 6. This was very cool to see and i hope to see it next year again.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Observation (3/20/11)

Date: 3-20-11
Location: my driveway in Osprey

Yesterday at 7:40 pm I saw the moon in the east. The moon looked really large and it had a orange glow around it. The skies were clear.

When I came back out to look at it again at 10:50 pm the moon had risen higher into the air and its size appeared normal again. It also lost it's orange glow but it seemed to have a small halo around it.

Friday, March 18, 2011

APOD 3.8

Spacecrafts Streak Over Colorado
(2011 March 14)

This picture was taken at Lory State Park, Colorado, USA. This shows the night sky with two arcs across. These two arcs are the lights of the International Space Station (ISS) and the space shuttle Discovery, which had undocked from the ISS a few hours earlier. This apod talks about drifting "stars" and what they actually are. Most likely, if someone sees a slowly drifting "star" it is probably a spacecraft in low Earth orbit that is reflecting back sunlight as it is orbiting Earth. Two of the brightest spacecrafts today are the ISS and a NASA space shuttle when it is in the sky. Iridium communication satellites are also a common cause for these bright drifting objects. Sometimes they may also reflect sunlight or they will flare up when they are re-entering Earth's atmosphere. Websites like can be a great way to identify these iridium flares and other bright drifting objects that you are unsure of. It was interesting to read of other objects in the sky that you might see besides meteors. The picture also showed a great view of the path of the two objects and the best part was when you move your mouse over the picture it drew out and identified the constellations that were currently in the sky. You could see Perseus, Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Draco, Ursa Minor and Major, Camelopardalis, Leo, Leo minor, cancer and lynx. It really helps to have the constellations drawn out to help people who are still learning to see where it is in the night time sky. Even though starlab is a great way to learn the constellations in the sky, it's hard to take what you've seen there and try to find it in the real sky because it often looks different than it does in the lab.

Friday, March 4, 2011

APOD 3.7

Red Snow Moon Over Edmonton
(28 Feb. 2011)

This picture shows the moon rising above Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. This is a very nice picture of the red moon, which seems very large compared to the buildings due to the the angular size of the Moon and the angular width of nearby buildings. It was very cold when this picture was taken. It was - 25 C that steam is rising from oil refineries as we can see in the pictures. The moon appears red because the blue light is scattered by Earth's atmosphere leaving the red. The atmosphere can even make the moon seem a little compressed. There is an effect called the Etruscan vase, where the moon looks so compressed that it resembles a vase.

This full moon is called the full Snow Moon. As we have learned how different cultures interpret the stars and moon, many cultures have different names for this moon. Because the heaviest snow usually falls during February, Native American tribes of the north and east often called this month's full moon the Full Snow Moon. There are other tribes that call it the Full Hunger or Little Famine Moon because it was hard to hunt during the winter. The Celt's call it the Moon of Ice and the Chinese call it the Budding Moon because of the coming of spring.  The next full moon in March is called the Full Worm Moon because the warm temperature will thaw the ground and the earthworms appear calling back the robins. Other names for it is the Full Crow moon because cawing crows signaled the end of winter. It was interesting to read about the different name for the full moons and where the names originated. It really showed how cultures were influenced by the skies.

Friday, February 25, 2011

APOD 3.6

NGC1999: South of Orion (24 February 2011)

This is a picture south of the Orion Nebula. This reflection nebula is known as NGC 1999. 1,500 light-years away is the star V380 Orionis that illuminates this nebula. In the center of the bluish colored nebula, you can see a dark shaped sideways T. It spans over 10 light years. This empty space was discovered by Herschel. At first, he thought it was black because it was a dense cloud of dust and gas that was blocking light from coming through. When he looked at it with his infrared telescope, which are supposed to be able to see through these clouds, it was still black. This surprised him. It was determined that it was actually not a dense pocket of gas and it seemed like something had actually blown a hole right through the cloud.

This is the first time astronomers had seen something like this. They think the cause of the hole was from narrow jets of gas from some of the young stars in the region. Those jets of gas must have punctured the sheet of dust and gas and nearby a mature star with powerful radiation may have also helped create this whole. The jets and outflows created by the nebula's young stars also create shock waves. These shocks appear bright red in this picture. These stellar jets and outflows come through at speeds of hundreds of km/sec. This was really interesting because relating what we have learned in class, it shows the nature of newborn stars and how powerful they are. Something like this sound pretty normal, but it turns out it was actually a big deal when astronomers discovered this hole in the nebula. It really shows how astronomers and scientists try to learn from every single thing they see.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Biography of Simon Newcomb

Simon Newcomb was born in Wallace, Nova Scotia, Canada on March 12, 1835. His father, John Burton Newcomb, was a schoolteacher, and his mother Emily Prince, was the daughter of a New Brunswick magistrate. As a child, he lived in various villages in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. When Newcomb was 16, he was apprenticed to Dr. Foshay. Newcomb was supposed to learn medical botany and in return he would serve as a general assistant for five year. Unfortunately, Dr. Foshay was a cheat and Newcomb wasted two years serving him. He ran away and eventually journeyed to Salem, Massachusetts where he met his father as they continued on their way to Maryland.
            There in Maryland, Newcomb was able to get a teaching post at a country school. In his free time, he taught studied Newton’s Principia and taught himself mathematics. In 1856, he became a private tutor near Washington which allowed him to frequently visit the capital. There, he visited the library of the Smithsonian Institution where he met Joseph Henry, the secretary of the Smithsonian. Henry allowed him to borrow the first volume of Bowditch’s translation of Laplace’s Mécanique céleste and Henry suggested that Newcomb look for a job at the Coast Survey. He was recommended to the Nautical Almanac Office in Cambridge, Massachusetts. A few weeks after coming to Cambridge, he was given a trial appointment as an astronomical computer. At the same time, he took time to study more mathematics at the Lawrence Scientific School of Harvard University under Benjamin Peirce. He graduated the next year in 1858.
            When the Civil War broke out in 1861, some of the professors of mathematics attached to the U.S. Navy resigned. This allowed Newcomb to take up the spot at the Naval Observatory. His job was to help in observing the right ascensions of stars with the transit circle. He hated randomly observing stars. When he was put in charge of the mural circle in 1863, he suggested to Superintendent Gilliss to have the right ascension and declination observations done more systematically. In 1865, a new transit circle was obtained and Newcomb took this opportunity to start a four-year program of fundamental observations of stellar positions. He became very interested in the theory behind the orbits of the planets and the moon. He hoped to improve their predicted positions by calculating the disturbances in their orbits caused by the gravitational pull of other objects.
            Looking over Hansen’s tables on the moon, he saw that the moon was starting to stray from its predicted position. Hansen had made these tables with observations dating back to 1750. Newcomb went to France to gather even older information about these observations. When Newcomb studied the pre-1750 data, he found that Hansen’s tables had many errors for the period before 1750. He believed that the aberration was due to variations in the rate of rotation of the Earth during that time. However his attempt to verify his theory from observing transits of Mercury was inconclusive. During the last years of his life, he tried again to take up this problem. His discussion of lunar observations from 720 B.C. to A.D. 1908 was completed a month before his death. The discussion he had written was left for others to prove that the fluctuations were caused by Earth’s irregular rotation.
            He also devoted two years to observe the satellites of Uranus and Neptune. From his observations and research, which were published in a memoir on The Uranian and Neptunian Systems, it appeared that the orbits of all four of Uranus’s satellites are circular. He also calculated the mass of Uranus and Neptune and verified his earlier predictions of Uranus’s mass.
            At an international conference in Paris in 1896 whose purpose was to elaborate a common system of constants and fundamental stars to be used in the various national tables and almanacs, Newcomb was a strong leader. He took up the task of determining a definite value of the constant of precession, and of aggregating a new catalogue of standard stars. The results of these investigations were published in 1899, and have been used since the beginning of 1901.
            Simon Newcomb had many accomplishments in his lifetime and published many books and papers on various topics. On July 11, 1909, he died in Washington. Because he was made a rear-admiral by Act of Congress in 1906, he was given a military funeral and was buried in Arlington Cemetery.

Works Cited
  • "Newcomb, Simon." Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Vol. 10. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008. 33-36. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 17 Feb. 2011. 
  • O'Connor, J. J., and E. F. Robertson. "Newcomb Biography." MacTutor History of Mathematics. Oct. 2003. Web. 13 Feb. 2011. <>.
  • "Simon Newcomb." NNDB: Tracking the Entire World. Soylent Communications, 2011. Web. 19 Feb. 2011. <>.

Friday, February 18, 2011

APOD 3.5

Simeis 147: Supernova Remnant
(2011 February 12)

This picture shows the supernova remnant Simeis 147, also cataloged as Sh2-240. It is near the constellation Taurus and it is huge. It covers almost 3 degrees in the sky which is the equivalent of 6 full moons. It is 3,000 light-years long and 150 light-years wide. This picture is a composite and it had image data taken through narrow band filters to highlight emission from hydrogen and oxygen atoms tracing regions of shocked, glowing gas. It is estimated to be about 40,000 years old and what was also left behind is a spinning neutron star or pulsar. This is all that remains of the star's core after the explosion.

Supernovas are one of the most violent events in the universe. The force of the explosion creates a blinding flash of radiation and shock waves comparable to sonic booms. Supernovas are classified by their optical properties. Massive stars spend their lives burning nuclear fuel and nuclei of light elements like hydrogen and helium are combined to make heavier elements like carbon and oxygen in a progression which ends with iron. When a supernova explosion occurs, the explosion blasts these heavier elements back into space. The elements and hot temperature creates the color we see here.

Observation (2/17/11)

Yesterday night at 8 pm I went out to see the moon and the stars on my driveway. The moon was full up above in the east and it was very bright. It was cloudy but there were some empty spaces in the sky where you can see some stars and constellations. It was fairly bright so the stars were faint. I could see Orion and his belt in the south. Trying to draw out the "heavenly G" I could make out, from the east to south, Castor, Pollux, Procyon, Rigel, then up to Betelgeuse. Up above in the north, I could not make out any constellations, but there was a bright star where Auriga should be so I suspected that it was Capella.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sources for Simon Newcomb

  • "Newcomb, Simon." Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Vol. 10. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008. 33-36. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 17 Feb. 2011.
  • O'Connor, J. J., and E. F. Robertson. "Newcomb Biography." MacTutor History of Mathematics. Oct. 2003. Web. 13 Feb. 2011. <>.

Observation (2/17/11)

I went out this morning at 6:10 am on my driveway. The skies were clear. I could see Venus, which was very bright in the south-east. To the right of Venus, I could see Scorpius and Antares. The scorpion was oriented vertically up and down. Up above near the north, I could see the big dipper. As we learned in starlab, I followed the handle and I was able to locate Arcturus which was also bright.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Observation (2/15/11)

Tonight, I went out for observations around 9:10 pm. The skies were very clear, there were no clouds and I was on my driveway in Osprey. The moon was very bright. It was a waxing gibbous and it was almost full. It was right above a little to the east. When I was standing facing the moon, this time I was sure that the two stars to the left of the moon were Castor and Pollux because I checked the star charts. There were not as many stars visible however because the moon was so bright. Sirius could also be seen and I could make out the shape of the dog with his back, tail, and two legs. Nearby, as always, was Orion clearly visible with his belt and dagger and Betelgeuse with the reddish shine above in the south. Above in the southwest was a bright star, and from the previous constellations we learned this quarter, I believe that star was Aldebaran from the constellation Taurus although I was not able to see the shape of the bull.

Friday, February 11, 2011

APOD 3.4

Star Colors in Orion (11 Feb. 2011)

This picture shows the stars in the constellation Orion. This photograph shows the stars kind of smeared out because the photographer used a photographing technique called a step-focus technique. This technique requires the photographer to take a series of 35 consecutive exposures. When combined, these exposures make trails of stars moving from left to right through the frame that changes focus in steps. Starting and ending with the camera out of focus makes a sharply focused exposure near the middle of the series which is why it resembles the shape of a bowtie. In the upper left, is the red supergiant Betelgeuse. Below center is the pinkish Orion Nebula, and near the center right edge is W Orionis.

This picture was interesting because it's related to what we just learned in class, how stars are different colors and why. The red stars, like Betelgeuse, appear red because they are cool. They have surface temperatures around 3,000 K. Blue stars are hotter and have temperatures over 30,000 K. But it's size and distance away affects how bright it actually appears to us. It was also interesting to learn about this photographing technique and how they photograph stars to see their true colors. In this photograph, you can easily distinguish the different colors of the stars and how bright they appear. Although, there may also be other factors that contribute to the color like W Orionis. It's red color is enhanced by it's carbon-rich composition.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Observation (2/8/11)

Location: My driveway in Osprey
Time: 8:30 P.M.
Weather Conditions: Clear skies

Tonight I was able to have a good clear view of the sky. The moon was visible in the west. It was a bright waxing crescent. In the north, I was able to see the Ursa Minor and Polaris. It was faint so I had to block the lights from my house with my hands to be able to see it. Orion was visible up above and I was able to see Orion's belt and the stars that make up his dagger. Sirius could also be seen to the lower left. There were also a few more bright stars even more left of it that I believe could have been Castor and Pollux.

Friday, February 4, 2011

APOD 3.3

Zeta Oph: Runaway Star (4 Feb. 2011)

This picture is of a runaway star named Zeta Oph, which can be located in the constellation Ophiuchus. A runaway star is a massive star that travels rapidly through interstellar space. Because it is rapidly traveling throught interstellar space at 24 km/sec, Zeta Oph created the arcing interstellar bow wave or bow shock seen in the picture. That is the orange/reddish arc that can be seen in the center of the picture. Zeta Oph is the blue shining point that is located in the arc. As seen from this picture, it should be moving towards the top of this frame. This star is moving through interstellar material. Interstellar material is the material which fills the space between the stars. These areas have very little matter in them and mainly consists of gas and dust, which is what we've learned about in class. There may be a small amount of dust particles per cubic cm, but with the great distances between the stars, the number of dust particles really add up.
With Zeta Oph, it has strong stellar winds that precede it. These winds compress and heat the dusty interstellar material and shapes the curved shock front. 
The thing that actually started to make this a runaway star was the explosion of its companion when it was in a binary star system. Because it's  companion star was much larger, it had a shorter life span. A star's life cycle is determined by its mass. The bigger it is the shorter its life cycle. When it's companion exploded as a supernova, this explosion propelled Zeta Oph through the system. It was actually flung 460 light-years away and it is actually 65,000 times more luminous than the sun. However as we learned that the numbers of dust particles add up through space and dust is like fog, this explains why this dust surrounded star isn't one of the brightest in the sky.

Friday, January 28, 2011

APOD 3.2

Hidden Treasures of M78 (27 January 2011)

This apod shows a picture of M78. It is about 1,600 light-years away and is located in the the constellation Orion. This is a large, bright, and well known reflection nebula. The blue seen in this nebula is caused by the reflection of wavelengths which is why it is a reflection nebula. When interstellar dust grains are near a bright star, clouds of these dust particles scatter short wavelengths of visible starlight more readily than long wavelengths. This produces the blue color that is seen in the nebula. There are many more examples of reflecting nebulae like the Iris Nebula (NGC 7023) and the Witch Head (IC2118). 
This picture was taken by Igor Chekalin who won the Hidden Treasures 2010 astrophotography competition held by the European Southern Observatory. Seeing this photograph and the other photos that were entered, it's amazing what these amateur astronomers could do.
Also in this picture, in the bottom right, is McNeil's Nebula. It has a yellowish color and was apparently discovered by an amateur astronomer, Jay McNeil who was testing out his new telescope by focusing on the area around M78. The story behind the discovery of McNeil's Nebula was interesting to read because I would assume that other professional astronomers with access to observatories and high tech equipment would have already discovered it long ago.

Friday, January 21, 2011

APOD 3.1

Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka (January 21, 2011)

This picture shows the stars that makes up Orion's belt. In the lower left is Alnitak, in the middle is Alnilam, and in the upper right is Mintaka. They are all second magnitude and blue supergiant stars that are hotter and more massive than the Sun, but much younger than our sun. Together they are known as Orion's belt. Alnitak means the girdle. Alnilam means "a belt of pearls". And Mintaka comes from the Arabic word for belt. They are about 1,500 light-years away and came from Orion's interstellar clouds. In the lower left of the image the Horsehead Nebula and Flame Nebula can be seen. It seems that eventually the fate of Alnitak and Alnilam is to become a red supergiant like Betelgeuse and explode as supernovae. Mintaka will also be famed in death due to the other star's explosions.
I picked this apod because we have just discussed these three stars yesterday in starlab. We did not go into much details, besides their names, and this was a good way to learn more about these stars that I have often seen. It was interesting to know just how massive and bright they were. Alnitak alone is 10,000 times more luminous than the sun and a planet like Earth would have to be 300 times farther from Alnitak than Earth is from the Sun for life like ours to survive.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Observations (1/13/2011)

Yesterday morning on January 13 at around 6:10 am, I was able to see Venus from my driveway in Osprey. It was visible in the southeast and it was very bright. It was the brightest thing in the morning sky because there was no moon. The skies were very clear and other constellations and stars were visible. I was able to see ursa major in the north. I was not able to completely see scorpius, but I was able to see the star Antares a little below Venus. It was a small red glimmering light.

APOD 2.10

"A Sun Halo Beyond Stockholm" (January 10, 2011)

This picture was taken last year overlooking Stockholm, Sweden. It shows the sun surrounded by a halo and two sundogs each one to the right or left of the sun. The halo and sundogs surrounding the sun are caused by the ice crystals created in the atmosphere. When ice crystals form in the atmosphere in hexagonal prisms, they can create these atmospheric events. Halos come from the way small ice crystals in the atmosphere scatter sunlight into different angles. The quality of a halo depends on the type and quality of the ice crystals that produce it. When these crystals flutter to the ground, they are mostly parallel to the ground with their faces flat. When this happens, each crystal can act like a lens, refracting the sunlight to form sundogs, also know as parhelia. The first halo seen around the sun is the 22 degree halo. The fainter second halo seen in the picture is the 46 degree halo which is rarer. These halos can also occur around the moon.

This was an interesting APOD because most of the time for me, I focus more on the events and objects that occur at night like the stars and moon. I have never really focused on the sun before, which is what we are currently learning about. Even though we have mentioned sundogs before in class, I was never sure what they looked like so it was pretty exciting to see this picture. It was also great to know that these events could occur with the moon. I have previously seen a moon halo before but I wasn't quite sure about the cause.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Quarter 2 Astronomer: Heinrich Olbers

            Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias Olbers was a German astronomer. He was born on October 11, 1758 in Arbergen, near Bremen, Germany. He was the eighth child out of the sixteen children of Johann Jürgen Olbers. His father was a Protestant minister. He became interested in astronomy when he was around fourteen, but the institution he attended in Bremen at the time barely taught any mathematics or science. So, to better understand astronomy, he taught himself mathematics and tried to compute the solar eclipse of 1774.
            In 1777, he started to study medicine in Göttingen under the guidance of Blumenbach and Ernst Baldinger. He also started to attend lectures in physics and mathematics by G. C. Lichtenberg and A. G. Kästner. Kästner was in charge of the small observatory at Göttingen. Even though he learned from all these people, he still mainly studied astronomy on his own. His biggest interests were with comets. His interest started in January 1779. He used his observations of Bode’s comet to calculate its orbit. In 1780, he independently discovered a comet that was also being observed by Montaigne at the same time.
            Even with his great fascination for astronomy, he was still mainly a physician. In 1781, after he received his medical degree, he went on a study trip to Vienna. He visited hospitals during the day, and spent his nights in the Vienna observatory. At the end of that year, he settled down in Bremen and started an extensive medical practice. Mainly through his efforts, inoculation was introduced in Bremen and he was praised for his work during several cholera epidemics.
            In 1785, he married Dorothea Köhne. She would die a year later after their daughter was born. In 1789, he was remarried to Anna Adelheid Lurssen. They would have a son. After his daughter’s death in 1818 and Lurssen’s death in 1820, he finally retired from active medical practice to devote the rest of his life to astronomy. He had an observatory put in on the second floor of his house using its two large windows for his telescopes. His library became one of the best private astronomical collections in Europe. For over fifty years he carefully collected astronomical literature and cometography that was almost complete.
            At first he was too busy with medicine to do astronomy when he first moved to Bremen. But in 1786, he met J. H. Schröter. Schröter had a private observatory in nearby Lilienthal which was one of the best equipped on the continent and they worked closely together for many years. In 1796, Olbers discovered a comet and calculated its parabolic orbit with a new method that was easier than the one used by Laplace. He wrote a letter to F. X. von Zach, the director of the newly found observatory on the Seeberg, near Gotha. He asked him whether his argument on this new method should be printed and asked advice for how it should be done. After von Zach read the argument and used it to receive excellent results to find the orbit of the comet of 1779, which gave many astronomers difficulty, von Zach took it upon himself to see that Olber’s argument was printed. It appeared at Weimar in 1797 titled, Über die leichteste und bequemste Methode, die Balm eines Kometen am einigen Beo-bachtungen zu berechnen. His new method would make instantly establish him among the leading astronomers of his time. His new method was used throughout the nineteenth century.
            When the first asteroid was discovered by G. Piazzi on Jan. 1, 1801, he noticed a star like object that moved during the following days. He sent out this information to other astronomers. Even though it was soon realized to be a new planet that Piazzi would name Ceres, it disappeared before more observations could be made. At that time it was still impossible to compute an orbit from such a small arc without assuming the eccentricity. However, Gauss was able to calculate it by a new method, and it was Olbers who found the new planet a year later where Gauss had calculated it to be. This was the start of their lifelong friendship.
            After Ceres, Olbers discovered a second asteroid, Pallas, on March 28, 1802. With the discovery of a third asteroid, Juno, by Harding at Lilienthal in 1804, Olbers was able to use their orbits where they approached each other to discover Vesta on March 29, 1807.
            One last thing that he was greatly known for is Olber’s paradox. According to the paradox, if we accept an infinite, uniform universe, the whole sky would be covered by stars shining as brightly as our sun. He explained the paradox of the dark night sky by assuming that space isn’t absolutely transparent and that some of the interspace matter absorbs a very small percentage of starlight. This effect is sufficient enough to dim the light of the stars so they look like points in the dark sky.
Olbers was respected and admired by many of his contemporaries. He worked with many of them including Gauss, Bessel, Encke, and Schröter. He also encouraged many young astronomers and helped them gain positions at various observatories. He died on March 2, 1840, but being the humble man that he was, he would claim that his greatest contribution to astronomy was leading Bessel to become a professional astronomer.
Works Cited
"Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias Olbers." 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica. 27 Oct. 2006. Web. 05 Jan. 2011. <>.
"Olbers, Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias." Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Vol. 10. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008. 197-199. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 5 Jan. 2011.